
Jan 28, 20203 min read
Trump's 'peace plan' is really a peace sham
Trump's “peace plan” is the Palestinian state death plan. U.S president Donald Trump announced today, symbolically flanked by Israeli...
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May 29, 20193 min read
How the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople changed world history.
On may 29 1453, the Ottoman cannons finally broke through of Constantinople's Theodosian walls and Sultan Mehmed the second Ottoman...
3,574 views0 comments

Mar 25, 20193 min read
How the US interfered in Russia's elections and helped Yeltsin get reelected
While the issue of Russian meddling in US elections is hysterically debated on almost all the news channels 24/7, almost no one ever...
868 views0 comments

Dec 6, 20172 min read
Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital could set the whole area on fire.
President Donald Trump announced today that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and will move its embassy...
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Nov 2, 20172 min read
Twitter admits it tried to help Hillary during the 2016 elections.
Twitter has revealed that it censored tweets critical of Hillary Clinton throughout the 2016 elections. Twitter basicly buried...
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Jul 5, 20172 min read
CNN force Reddit user who made Trump bodyslamming CNN gif to apologise.
A Reddit user claiming to be behind the GIF of Donald Trump body slamming a man with a CNN logo over his face has apologised. The US...
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May 20, 20172 min read
Trump signs a YUGE $350 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia.
Donald Trump has just sealed the biggest arms deal in the history of the U.S, with Saudi Arabia. The agreement, which is worth $350...
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Mar 26, 20171 min read
More than 200 civilians killed in US airstrikes in Iraq.
Reuters reported that the U.S. military confirmed on Saturday that a U.S. air strike had hit an Islamic State area in western Mosul where...
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Mar 16, 20172 min read
The US defence spending are more than what the next eight most powerful countries in the world spend
President Trump wants to increase U.S. defense spending by $54 billion, that's a 10% increase to the US current defence budget which...
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Jan 28, 20172 min read
Trump bans people from countries that the US bombed from coming to the US.
President Donald Trump has banned the entry of Syrian refugees into the US until further notice. He has also halted the issuing of visas...
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