
Mar 25, 20242 min read
No, ISIS Never Apologized For Attacking Israel
Many social media posts claim that ISIS apologized to Israel after attacking an IDF position in the Golan Heights in 2017. This is used...
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Jul 16, 20232 min read
Christians are being persecuted in Israel, and no one seems to mind.
Israel, the Anti Defamation League and other Jewish orgs are always screaming about anti Semitic incidents and hate crimes against Jews...
1,522 views0 comments

May 12, 20212 min read
How Israel helped create Hamas and helped it take over Gaza
Did you know that Hamas, the Islamist terrorist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel, has the Jewish state of...
8,345 views0 comments

Jan 28, 20203 min read
Trump's 'peace plan' is really a peace sham
Trump's “peace plan” is the Palestinian state death plan. U.S president Donald Trump announced today, symbolically flanked by Israeli...
1,118 views0 comments

Jan 8, 20204 min read
How the US and the UK turned Iran from a democracy into a dictatorship
On August 19, 1953, the CIA and MI6 launched operation AJAX - a coup d'état against Iran's democratically elected government and its...
815 views0 comments

Jan 3, 20203 min read
How UK and France created and ruined the modern Middle East
On January 3, 1916, France and the UK created the secret Sykes-Picot agreement, which in effect partitioned the former provinces of the...
4,357 views1 comment

Oct 9, 20192 min read
Germany armed Kurds with anti Tank missiles after selling Tanks to the Turks.
In 2014 Germany decided that it was going to arm the Kurds who were fighting against ISIS. It sent Rifles, machine guns, grenades, MILAN...
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Apr 24, 20192 min read
UN human rights council member Saudi Arabia beheads 37 people.
Saudi Arabia on Tuesday beheaded 37 people in a mass execution across the country for alleged terrorism-related crimes. Saudi officials...
1,249 views0 comments

Jun 18, 20183 min read
Turkey's elections: why they're important and why they might be rigged.
In less then a week's time Turkey will head to the poles to vote both for a new president and for a new Parliament, in what is considered...
701 views1 comment

Apr 30, 20183 min read
Israel has been lying about Iran's 'nuclear weapons threat' for almost 40 years.
For almost 40 years Israel has been misleading and lying to its own people and to the world about Iran's nuclear weapons threats. Today...
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