
Dec 27, 20202 min read
More than 1.5 billion masks have been dumped into the oceans in 2020
But hey, at least we banned those plastic straws. Of the estimated 52 billion masks manufactured globally in 2020, it's believed 1.56...
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Dec 21, 20202 min read
Poland to stop social media companies from censoring and blocking people
Poland becomes the first country that will not allow big tech and social media giants like FB Twitter and Google to censor people online....
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Dec 10, 20202 min read
Putin's Russia Today is brainwashing the world
In 2005 Putin launched the Kremlin's state propaganda service, AKA Russia Today or RT. This has been a huge success for them. From it's...
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Dec 4, 20202 min read
Israel's former head of Space program says that Aliens exist and that they're among us
Prof. Haim Eshed is no crazy conspiracy theorist, he is one of Israel's most distinguished and respected scientists. Haim Eshed is a...
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