
Mar 25, 20242 min read
No, ISIS Never Apologized For Attacking Israel
Many social media posts claim that ISIS apologized to Israel after attacking an IDF position in the Golan Heights in 2017. This is used...
720 views0 comments

Jul 16, 20232 min read
Christians are being persecuted in Israel, and no one seems to mind.
Israel, the Anti Defamation League and other Jewish orgs are always screaming about anti Semitic incidents and hate crimes against Jews...
1,523 views0 comments

Apr 19, 20233 min read
Marek Edelman: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising hero Israel tried to cancel
Marek Edelman was born in Warsaw to Polish Jewish family. When the Germans invaded and occupied Poland in 1939, Edelman was deported to...
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Jun 27, 20213 min read
Diplomatic war erupts between Poland and Israel over compensation for German crimes during WW2
A new Polish law has reignited a diplomatic war between Poland and Israel. Poland's prime minister said on Friday that as long as he...
4,062 views0 comments

May 12, 20212 min read
How Israel helped create Hamas and helped it take over Gaza
Did you know that Hamas, the Islamist terrorist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel, has the Jewish state of...
8,346 views0 comments

Feb 28, 20212 min read
Discrimination against unvaccintaed people is the new racism
In apartheid South Africa they had “whites only beaches”, today we have “vaccinated only” areas. An extremely disturbing sign appeared...
1,859 views0 comments

Dec 4, 20202 min read
Israel's former head of Space program says that Aliens exist and that they're among us
Prof. Haim Eshed is no crazy conspiracy theorist, he is one of Israel's most distinguished and respected scientists. Haim Eshed is a...
20,556 views0 comments

Sep 19, 20203 min read
Israel is a good example of why 'lockdowns' don't work
Lockdowns don't work, (unless you live on islands, tiny nation states or in dictatorships where the government lies about everything) and...
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Jul 12, 20202 min read
Otto Skorzeny; Hitler's favorite Nazi who ended up working for Israel
The Nazi war criminal who was one of Hitler's most favorite officers ended up working for Israel after the war. Otto Skorzeny was an...
1,909 views0 comments

Mar 19, 20204 min read
Is the hysteria over the Corona Virus pandemic justified?
Is the hysteria over Coronavirus/Covid 19/China virus and the subsequent emergency measures governments all over the world are now...
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