Sep 30, 20193 min read
The Munich Agreement - How Europe forced Czechoslovakia to commit suicide.
On September 22, 1938, Hitler demanded the immediate cession of Czechoslovakia's territory, the Sudetenland, to Germany and the...
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Sep 29, 20193 min read
Lech Walesa, the secret Communist spy that won a Nobel peace prize.
The world famous "Solidarity" freedom hero, five year Polish president and Nobel Peace prize winner, Lech Walesa, was a paid secret agent...
994 views0 comments
Sep 23, 20193 min read
Germany's unacknowledged genocide in Tanzania.
Germany is often known for her atrocities in Europe during WW2, but few know of the carnage and genocides it committed in Africa, 30...
1,408 views0 comments
Sep 21, 20195 min read
How the media destroyed Gary Webb, the journalist who exposed the CIA drug running operations.
Gary Webb was a US Pulitzer prize-winning reporter who broke the story of the CIA involvement in the importation of cocaine into the U.S....
4,457 views0 comments
Sep 19, 20192 min read
Pentagon confirms videos showing UFOs are real
Yes you heard it right, for the first time in history the Pentagon confimred that videos showing unidentified flying objects that moved...
1,740 views0 comments
Sep 15, 20194 min read
China is destroying our world, and no one seems to mind.
China is destroying our world, literally. The nation that spews the most pollution while currently building hundreds of coal-fired power...
13,899 views6 comments
Sep 11, 20193 min read
Academic study debunks official report about what caused World Trade Center building 7 to collapse
The mystery surrounding the third tower that collapsed on 9/11 known as World Trade Center Seven (WTC7) has been central to many...
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