
Jul 3, 20162 min read
Mass media silent over proven vote frauds in Austrian election while hysterical over democratic Brex
The Austrian constitutional Court overturned the result of the presidential elections in Austria which saw the pro EU Alexander Van der...
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Jun 30, 20161 min read
Scotland and the EU, well, it's complicated.
But still a better love story then twilight.
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Jun 28, 20161 min read
How the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand led to WW1.
On 28 of June, 1914, Gavrilo Princip, a member of the "Black Hand" (a group that was calling for a greater Serbia state), assassinated...
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Jun 27, 20162 min read
REVEALED - Following Brexit, Germany and France push for a European superstate.
One would think that the Brexit of the UK from the EU and the growing unpopularity that the idea of an ever closer political union among...
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Jun 26, 20161 min read
UK "remain" voters who want a second referendum are anti democratic.
It seems that the people who voted against Brexit seem not to understand how a democratic process works, or are only happy when the...
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Jun 25, 20161 min read
Invading Russia is never a good idea.
On June 24 in 1812, Napoleon's huge "Grande Armée" crossed the Neman river and invaded Russia. That wasn't a good idea BTW, seeing how...
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Jun 24, 20161 min read
UK referendum might be the beginning of the end of the EU.
For months the entire corporate world media, world leaders and global institution have been waging a war of threats, intidimadation and...
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Jun 24, 20161 min read
BREAKING NEWS: the UK voted to leave the EU!
The UK has voted to leave the European Union after 43 years in a historic referendum. Leave won by 52% to 48% with England and Wales...
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Jun 22, 20162 min read
The EU is a European empire in the making.
Let's be clear, the European Union's sole purpose is to turn all democratic nation states in Europe in one supernational European empire. ...
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Jun 20, 20161 min read
Voting for the UK to stay in the EU is highly illogical.
Some cold, hard, Vulcan logic.
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