Mass media silent over proven vote frauds in Austrian election while hysterical over democratic Brex

The Austrian constitutional Court overturned the result of the presidential elections in Austria which saw the pro EU Alexander Van der Bellen narrowly beat the anti EU candidate Norbert Hofer.
The unprecedented ruling comes a week before Van der Bellen was due to be sworn into office. Hofer had lost out to his rival in a knife-edge election on 22 May by a tiny, fraudulent, margin of 30,863 votes. The court president announced the elections would have to be repeated across the whole country after an investigation revealed irregularities in the count of the vote in several constituencies. The court said that widespread irregularities in the counting of the more than 700,000 postal ballots cast meant there was enough doubt over the election's outcome for a re-run to be ordered. The Freedom Party complained following the vote claiming the law had been contravened in one way or another in most of the 117 electoral districts, including the sorting of absentee ballots before electoral commission officials arrived and related violations of the rules. The Court president Gerhart Holzinger said: 'The challenge brought by Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache against the May 22 election... has been upheld.' These blatant irregularities and frauds, were never reported by main stream media even though evidence and proof for them was easily available. Actually world main stream media outlets like the "Washington post" and others went out of their way in trying to convince their readers that this was all nonsense and the elections were won fair and square. Now contrast all of that with how the main stream media is literally doing all it can in order to overturn the democratic and resolute Brexit referendum results, by calling for a second referendum and by vilifying the Brexit camp and basically anyone in the UK who voted for Brexit or even supports it.