
Sep 19, 20192 min read
Pentagon confirms videos showing UFOs are real
Yes you heard it right, for the first time in history the Pentagon confimred that videos showing unidentified flying objects that moved...
1,740 views0 comments

Sep 11, 20193 min read
Academic study debunks official report about what caused World Trade Center building 7 to collapse
The mystery surrounding the third tower that collapsed on 9/11 known as World Trade Center Seven (WTC7) has been central to many...
29,136 views0 comments

Aug 4, 20195 min read
Obama's real legacy makes him one of the worst US presidents of all time.
You have to give credit to Obama, he comes across as a genuinely honest guy who's a great speaker and who has tons of charisma, almost...
13,536 views0 comments

Mar 25, 20193 min read
How the US interfered in Russia's elections and helped Yeltsin get reelected
While the issue of Russian meddling in US elections is hysterically debated on almost all the news channels 24/7, almost no one ever...
868 views0 comments

Mar 20, 20194 min read
How Bush senior and junior lied about Saddam to justify illegal wars against Iraq.
Like father like son. Both Bush senior in 1990 and Bush junior on 2003 used lies to justify their war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein....
789 views0 comments

Jan 30, 20193 min read
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's crimes.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt is often refered to as being one of America's "greatest presidents". What is often less discussed and...
4,129 views1 comment

Dec 1, 20182 min read
How George Bush senior greenlighted Saddam's invasion of Kuwait.
In the two weeks before Iraq's seizure of Kuwait, the Bush Administration gave President Saddam Hussein little reason to fear a forceful...
1,107 views0 comments

Jul 20, 20183 min read
How the US colluded with Yeltsin and helped him win the Russian elections.
While the issue of Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections is hysterically debated on almost all the news channels 24/7, almost no one...
1,369 views0 comments

Jun 6, 20183 min read
D'Day wasn't responsible for the defeat of Nazi Germany, the USSR was.
Despite the popular belief that because of D-Day, the US and the western allies won WW2 in Europe, the truth is that WW2 had already been...
4,000 views0 comments

May 25, 20181 min read
Elon Musk declares war on the media.
Elon Musk has taken time of from electric cars and Mars rockets to tackle what he thinks is really hurting his company and the world at...
3,169 views0 comments