
Jan 20, 20193 min read
How the media helps the Macron regime hide its brutality against French people.
The violence that the Macron regime is directing against yellow vest protesters is spiraling out of control, and largely goes unreported...
2,563 views0 comments

Nov 13, 20182 min read
Son of Czech Prime Minister accuses him of abducting him to Russia.
Andrej Babis, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, has been accused of authorising the kidnapping of his son Andrej Babis Junior to...
608 views0 comments

Oct 23, 20182 min read
Hungary's 1956 uprising against the USSR and its aftermath.
On 23rd of October 1956, Hungarian students and young workers staged a peaceful demonstration in Budapest, protesting against the...
1,399 views0 comments

Sep 12, 20183 min read
EU parliament approves Orwellian 'copyright' internet law 'article 13'.
Article 13, the EU's Orwellian law that will censor and limit the Internet's freedom of speech and expression in the name of “copyright...
3,839 views0 comments

Sep 12, 20183 min read
How Poland saved Europe from the Ottomans in 1683 and how Europe repaid it
On September 12, 1683, the King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Jan Sobieski, literally saved Europe when he personally led the...
2,979 views0 comments

Aug 20, 20182 min read
How the USSR invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968 and crushed the 'Prague Spring'.
In 1968, The Czechoslovakia goverment, headed by Alexander Dubcek, planned to implement reforms aimed at granting greater political...
1,975 views0 comments

Jul 19, 20182 min read
Natalie Portman equates eating meat to Nazism in a new PETA video.
Actress Natalie Portman, in a new PETA video implies that people who eat meat are basically Nazis. Now the PETA organization has in the...
4,806 views0 comments

Jul 11, 20183 min read
Angela Merkel's secret Communist past.
Not many people are aware the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, the “leader of the free world” as some far left journalists in main...
15,227 views0 comments

Jun 20, 20182 min read
EU approves Orwellian 'meme ban' law that will result in internet censorship.
Article 13, the EU's Orwellian law that will censor and limit the Internet's freedom of speech and expression in the name of “copyright...
701 views0 comments

Jun 9, 20183 min read
New EU law might result in banning memes and 'kill the internet'.
A new EU law could change the online world forever by effectively banning memes, remixes and other content which incorporate copyrighted...
892 views0 comments