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Erdogan releases almost 40,000 criminals to make room for the 40,000 people he detained following th

Erdogan has come up with a "creative", or some would say crazy and dangerous solution to the problem of having no space in Turkey's prisons for the 40,000 people he arrested following the failed coup attempt. Turkey has issued a decree for the conditional release of almost 40,000 prisoners in an apparent move to make space for 40,000 people arrested as part of an investigation into last month's failed coup.

The decree, announced by the country's justice minister, allows the release of inmates who have two years or less to serve of their sentences.

It also makes convicts who have served half their prison term eligible for parole.

However, those convicted of murder, domestic violence, sexual abuse or terrorism and other crimes against the state will be excluded. I guess Erdogan is fine with the fact that almost 40,000 criminals who belong in prison would now be free to roam Turkey, because according to him they don't pose any threat to him unlike the 40,000 people he arrested after the coup attempt who are being held in prison, still without a date for a trial and without knowing what they are being charged with or what will become of them. CLICK HERE FOR MORE POSTS ABOUT TURKEY, ERDOGAN AND THE FAILED COUP:!home/fgic4/tag/#Turkey Source:

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