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Israel's independence is the Palestinian's catastrophe.

What is called "independenc day" in Israel, is lamented as the "Nakba" day (the catastrophe) among the Palestinians who were ethnically cleansed by Israel from their ancestral lands in 1948. This ethnic cleansing of Palestinian started already in 1947, long before the Israeli - Arab war of 1948 was declared. The Zionist movement implemented their secret "plan Dalet", which called for the ethnic cleansing of the majority of the Palestinian Arab populations from Israel in order to make sure that the Jewish population would enjoy a clear ethnic and religious majority in the newly established Zionist state of Israel. Between 30 of March and 15 of May 1948, 200 Palestinian villages were occupied by Zionist armed forces and their inhabitants expelled.

In some villages, such as Deir Yassin and Ayn Al-Zaytun, horrible massacres were perpetuated. The towns of Tiberius, Haifa, Safed, Beisan, Jaffa, and Acre fell into Zionist hands. As a result more than 250,000 Palestinians were expelled.

All of this took place BEFORE the 1948 war between the Arab states and Israel even started. The ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians by Zionist forces was actually one of the reasons why the Arab states declared war on Israel.

By the end of 1948, approximately 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their land and homes, and were forced to leave everything behind as they fled for their lives. The Palestinians refer to the 1948 ethnic cleansing as the "Nakba" (the catastrophe). To this day, Israel does not officially recognize the "Nakba" and Israeli propaganda claims the Palestinians left "willingly", despite the overwhelming historical evidences and testimonies both from Palestinians and Former Israeli soldiers who took part in the 1948 massacres and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The Nakba has been historically documented and verefied by international history professors and academics from the US, UK, France, Israel and across the world, but Israel still refuses to officialy recognise or admit it ever happened or that it was planned. Actually, Israel continues the "Nakba" today, in the form of illegal settlements in the west bank that steal the remaining land the Palestinians managed to keep. Bibliography: Joel Kovel, "Overcoming Zionism". Illan Pepe, "the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

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