Nov 6, 20162 min read
FBI closes Hillary email investigation saying new emails "didn't changed our earlier conclu
The FBI has announced it will not make any changes to its July decision on Hillary Clinton's emails, meaning the Democratic nominee will...
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Nov 1, 20162 min read
Hillary blames the FBI for being "rigged" against her.
When the FBI director James Comey decided to close the investigation into Hillary's email and private server affairs several months ago,...
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Oct 28, 20162 min read
BREAKING NEWS - The FBI reopens Hillary Clinton's email investigation.
The FBI will reopen its investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server after learning of "the existence of emails that appear...
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Oct 27, 20163 min read
Ryszard Kuklinski, the man who prevented the cold war from becoming WW3.
Not many people know how close the world came to WW3 during the cold war in Europe, and who was the man who prevented it. According to...
10,995 views0 comments
Oct 23, 20161 min read
Watch how Trump praised, endorsed and defended Hillary in past interviews.
So one has to wonder, what does Donald Trump really think about Hillary? And this wasn't the only time he praised and complimented...
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Oct 19, 20163 min read
Julian Assange turned WikiLeaks to RussiaLeaks.
Wikileaks IS NOT a “neutral” and “trusted” source, it's actually now just part of the Kremlin's propaganda, and should be viewed in the...
837 views0 comments
Oct 16, 20163 min read
How the UK, US and Russia made Ukraine destroy its nuclear arsenal in 1994 in exchange for "gua
In 1994, following the collpse of the USSR and through an accident of fate, the newly independent country of Ukraine found itself in...
7,509 views0 comments
Oct 14, 20162 min read
Eisenhower chilling warning about the US military industrial complex.
On Jan. 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower gave the nation a dire warning about what he described as a threat to democratic...
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Oct 13, 20162 min read
In 1992 Hillary accused women who claimed that they were sexually assaulted by Bill as being "S
Not many people remember how in 1992, confronted by many allegations of women who claimed that they were sexually assaulted by her...
859 views0 comments
Oct 12, 20162 min read
Brian "I was there" Williams is still reporting the news on America's most biased news
Remember Brian “I was there” Williams? He's the MSNBC news anchorman that turned into a meme because was caught being a compulsive liar...
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