
Apr 9, 20204 min read
Belgium's King Leopold Forgotten Congo Genocide
"Civilisation" was at the core of king Leopold II's pitch to European leaders in 1885 when they sliced up and allocated territories,...
5,909 views2 comments

Feb 4, 20203 min read
'Americans' didn't 'murder 100 million Native Americans', diseases did.
A popular meme or 'argument' that is hugely popular on social media goes like this : 'Americans slaughtered 100 million native...
5,202 views0 comments

Jan 20, 20202 min read
Putin rewrites history, says USSR's 1939 invasion of Poland 'saved lives'
Putin's attempts to reinvent WW2 history continues. Today, at a public speech he gave in St. Petersburg, Putin continued his campaign of...
3,898 views0 comments

Jan 3, 20203 min read
How UK and France created and ruined the modern Middle East
On January 3, 1916, France and the UK created the secret Sykes-Picot agreement, which in effect partitioned the former provinces of the...
4,357 views1 comment

Dec 26, 20194 min read
Mao Zedong, the man who starved China.
Mao Zedong, the founder of the Communist People's Republic of China, was responsible for the deaths of some 45 million Chinese, most of...
3,370 views0 comments

Dec 22, 20193 min read
Putin defends 'Molotov-Ribbentrop' pact, says Western countries, not USSR, helped Germany st
Putin is trying to rewrite WW2 history. The Russian president Vladimir Putin, rejected Western criticism of the Soviet Union’s pact...
1,301 views0 comments

Nov 29, 20196 min read
Winston Churchill's unknown crimes
Winston Churchill is known world wide as a great statesman, a man of great wit, and for being the heroic and charismatic British leader...
7,101 views0 comments

Oct 14, 20193 min read
No, Columbus wasn't the first European to discover America, Leif Erikson was.
Contrary to popular opinion, Christopher Columbus was not the first European to discover the New World. This commonly held belief is...
887 views0 comments

Sep 23, 20193 min read
Germany's unacknowledged genocide in Tanzania.
Germany is often known for her atrocities in Europe during WW2, but few know of the carnage and genocides it committed in Africa, 30...
1,409 views0 comments

Sep 11, 20193 min read
Academic study debunks official report about what caused World Trade Center building 7 to collapse
The mystery surrounding the third tower that collapsed on 9/11 known as World Trade Center Seven (WTC7) has been central to many...
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