
Sep 21, 20182 min read
Volkswagen's Nazi history.
Volkswagen was founded in 1937 by none other than Adolf Hitler. Hitler's dream was that every hard working German Nazi family could have...
2,811 views0 comments

Jul 11, 20183 min read
Angela Merkel's secret Communist past.
Not many people are aware the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, the “leader of the free world” as some far left journalists in main...
15,227 views0 comments

Jun 6, 20183 min read
D'Day wasn't responsible for the defeat of Nazi Germany, the USSR was.
Despite the popular belief that because of D-Day, the US and the western allies won WW2 in Europe, the truth is that WW2 had already been...
4,000 views0 comments

Jun 4, 20182 min read
Merkel knowingly allowed extremists and suspected terrorists asylum in Germany.
The German newspaper "Bild am Sonntag" reported on Sunday that it obtained documents showing that the German chancellor Angela Merkel was...
446 views0 comments

Apr 22, 20183 min read
Lenin, the Communist mass murderer that owned nine Rolls-Royce.
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the alias "Lenin", is still revered by many people worldwide as a revolutionary hero who stood...
10,994 views3 comments

Mar 29, 20183 min read
Nord Stream 2: How Germany Betrayed Europe for Russian gas.
Nord Stream two is not just a gas pipeline between Russia and Germany, in the eyes of many people in Europe and in the US, it is seen as...
5,496 views0 comments

Dec 7, 20172 min read
Germany's top politician threatens EU members who refuse to join an EU superstate.
Germany's second most popular and powerful political figure, the head of Germany's Social Democrats, Martin Schulz, a potential future...
1,853 views0 comments

Oct 8, 20171 min read
What if every secession movement succeeded In Europe and Russia?
The recent upheavals in Catalonia, Kurdish controlled areas around Turkey, Brexit, the Scottish referendum and Kosovo's independence have...
21,007 views0 comments

Aug 15, 20174 min read
How Józef Piłsudski and Poland saved Europe from a Soviet invasion in 1920.
On August 16, 1920, the Polish Army, led by Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, launched its counter attack against the Red Army, which resulted in...
9,271 views0 comments

May 9, 20171 min read
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German anti Nazi martyr.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor, theologian and an anti-Nazi dissident. While literally almost everyone in Germany before and...
396 views0 comments