
May 4, 20161 min read
Russian Occupied Georgian province South Ossetia announces referendum to join Russia.
South Ossetia, a Georgian province occupied by Russia since 2008, is due to hold a constitutional referendum, the results of which will...
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May 3, 20163 min read
How Europe destroyed the first European constitutional democracy, the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth
On 3rd May 1791, the first written Constitution to be adopted in Europe by a major European country, was passed in Warsaw by the Polish -...
5,483 views0 comments

May 2, 20161 min read
TTIP trade deal leaks reveal how the EU plans to sell Europe to US corporations.
The leaked documents about trade deal which is being negotiated in secret between the US and the EU show that If any European government...
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May 2, 20164 min read
King Leopold and Belgium's forgotten holocaust in Congo.
Under the reign of terror instituted by King Leopold II of Belgium (who ran the Congo Free State as his personal fief from 1885 to 1908),...
3,914 views0 comments

Apr 21, 20161 min read
Norway's Insanity.
How the life of a person who murdered 77 people look like in Norway: Three cells - one for sleeping, one for studying, one for exercising...
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Apr 20, 20161 min read
Meet Judge Helen Andenaes Sekulic, the craziest person in Norway.
Seriously, how the hell has that retarded excuse for a judge not been relieved of her post and sent to a psychiatric examination? Anders...
239 views1 comment

Apr 20, 20161 min read
Psychopathic mass murderer wins "human rights" case in Norway.
WTF Norway? WTF?!?!? Judge Helen Andenaes Sekulic of the Oslo District Court in Norway upheld that Norwegian mass murderer Anders...
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Apr 20, 20161 min read
The Royal family costs the UK taxpayers almost $500 million, a year.
Officially the upkeep of the royal family to the British taxpayer is about £40m . However, when all the hidden expenditure is included...
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