
Jun 23, 20161 min read
China ends one child policy.
As of 2016, families in China are allowed to have more than one child, which means that China's population which currently stands at...
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May 31, 20161 min read
Half of the animal wildlife on the planet has been killed in the last 40 years, but shoot a gorilla
Humanity has killed roughly half of the world's non-human vertebrate animal population since 1970. The "Living Planet Index" report...
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May 8, 20161 min read
David Attenborough's messege to humanity.
"Three and a half million years separate the individual who left these footprints in the sands of Africa from the one who left them on...
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May 1, 20161 min read
African elephants face extinction over their ivory.
The African elephant, the world’s largest land mammal, faces extinction because of mass poaching fuelled by demand for illicit ivory,...
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Apr 26, 20162 min read
To this day no one knows the true extent of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
Thirty three years ago today, the world’s worst nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl power plant in the Soviet Union, in modern day...
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