
May 6, 20161 min read
"Freudian slip"
To be more precise a "Freudian slip" is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that is interpreted as occurring due to the...
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Apr 26, 20161 min read
Not sure if Obama is trolling or stupid.
Ironically, amid reassurances of the current "most peaceful era in human history", Obama urged European leaders to step up their efforts...
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Apr 13, 20161 min read
It's a joke, but nobody is laughing.
Winners include Barack Obama, Henry Kissinger, Le Duc Tho (Communist Vietnam leader) The European Union, Lech Walesa, Mikhail Gorbachev,...
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Apr 12, 20161 min read
The difference between helping sick people and making a killing of sick people.
Dr, Jonas Salk spent seven years of his life researching and coming up with the cure for Polio, a disease which mainly affects kids...
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Apr 11, 20161 min read
No shit.
Dr Matt Taylor, the man who in 2014 landed a probe on a comet hurtling through space at the speed of 135,000 km/h and who was internet...
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Apr 11, 20161 min read
I think that what ultimately tilted the scale favorably to Google, was the fact that you couldn't search for porn in the library index card.
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Apr 8, 20161 min read
Communist vs Capitalist line.
Communism : "Oh my Marx! They have bread! We have to queue up for hours so we can get it!" Capitalism: "Oh my Visa! They have the...
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Apr 7, 20161 min read
The $32 trillion tax haven iceberg.
Some studies estimate that the mount of wealth that is hidden in tax havens around the world, like the ones that were recently exposed in...
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